This is the govt. fix. Get it to everyone NOW for 2026!
This WILL eliminate political bribes, enact term limits & ensure that citizens legally control the government!
This WILL eliminate political bribes, enact term limits & ensure that citizens legally control the government!
The same applies to parties and politicians, from local, to state, in Nevada and ALL states, to both houses of Congress, the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, up to the White House. Why keep doing the same thing expecting different results? We don't have a true DEMOCRACY. We have parties and politicians whose votes are bought and paid for. THAT'S why they get rich in office. In 2026 WE have to make the change, because THEY won't, and THIS is the fix they...can't...stop!
Let’s build the majority vote of people who will pass a bill for citizens to vote on ALL legislation, eliminating special interests and lobbyists, enacting two, four year term limits for both houses of Congress, and stopping them from blowing trillions of dollars a year on stupid things we don’t agree with, including other countries, some of which want Americans dead. THEN we can redirect those trillions of dollars back to what AMERICA needs like homelessness, education, healthcare, infrastructure, veterans, disaster aid, paying DOWN the debt instead of it going up and up, etc., etc., AND stopping threats of “shutting down the government” if politicians can’t pass bills that include their special interests.
USGARM - United States Government Agencies Reform Movement
For the people, NOT politicians, parties and their special interests.
Uniting the people against parties' and politicians’ division and corruption. Making parties irrelevant so we can all just be Americans.
Creating a new direction that is ACTUALLY
"OF, BY and FOR the PEOPLE".
1 minute 3 seconds
3 steps to FIX Congress and ANY government level.
8 minutes of the whys and hows.
I will be editing the long Plan/Platform video on the USGARM YouTube channel to include 3 more items.
1. CPS (Child "Protective" Services) Investigations, ACCOUNTABILITY and reform for how they handle cases and what happens to the children under their “care”. Accountability backdated as far as I can.
2. No water = no life. It's time to make it a priority. We need a pipeline to recycle Colorado River water from the bottom back to the top. This on top of new rain water and snow melt will magnify the water in the system and refill all rivers and lakes in the system. All states that use Colorado river water must help pay for the pipeline, or be bypassed. We also have to make a water pipeline grid across the country to take water when and where there’s too much, helping flooding areas, while supplying that water to places that need water, like Lake Mead, where tens of millions of people rely on it in several states. We should also look into pumping ocean water to lakes, including new lakes, and building desalination plants to purify it into drinking water for nearby cities.
More lakes = more water evaporation into clouds = more fresh rain water = lower temperatures and less drought.
3. Online voting through a company with a strong history of online security and identification verification that will also verify voter registration with states, instead of only in-person or mail-in ballots, for voters to vote not only on all legislature, but also elections. Welcome to the 21st Century!
...with the added perk of creating energy.
Video by Nas Daily
...but as stated above, we could do even more with it.
Video by Two Bit da Vinci
Parties CAUSE division. The ONLY voter registration that is truly neutral, that DOESN'T cause division is NP for NonPartisan. What it means is NO PARTY. We MUST NOT be controlled by parties that divide people for their gain or ANY special interest that bribes politicians. It's time to LEAVE all parties behind.
J.J. Destin Fixes Congress (for Nevada but also every other state because of how the plan works). This has to spread everywhere regardless of state or party. With the power of multiplication, if EVERYONE that sees this shares this with EVERYONE they know, the entire country would know about this movement within a month and we can FINALLY FIX Congress once and for all. The faster it's shared, the faster we'll find people to run for Congress on this movement to build the majority vote to pass the things that will FIX Congress that the current members will NEVER vote for. If we don't do that, it will NEVER change.
If you have the ability to advertise and want to skip us in the middle (the way PACs and
Super PACs do), please do.
If you own a billboard, home, barn, fence or other structure facing a major roadway, you can paint or hang a sign on it, or have vinyl lettering on your car rear window saying:
Get this to EVERYONE!
Politicians' job should be just to put out legislature ideas, and citizens decide what they like or don't like. THAT is the truest kind of DEMOCRACY that can exist. Not only can Congress be fixed with a GARM, Government Agencies Reform Movement, but cities and states can too. Let's make EVERY city and state be run how its CITIZENS want instead of whoever is buying the corrupt politicians. GARMs will make politicians public servants instead of self-servants.
Also, is reserved to list USGARM candidates links as they declare candidacy in their states so America knows who they are, so they can support and vote for them to build the majority vote to pass this plan.
Politicians have been slowly chipping away at our Constitutional rights and will continue to unless WE THE PEOPLE take control of the government this LEGAL way, allowing voters to vote on legislature instead of blindly trusting politicians. When that happens, citizens will NOT vote away our rights, and the Constitution, which is what keeps America from being like dictator led countries, will prevail.
For the U.S. to be an example to other countries' citizens so they create GARMs and take control of THEIR governments this legal way.
It's the "leaders" that bring countries to war. Citizens wouldn’t vote to go to war, and THAT'S how we get to WORLD PEACE.
Notice I don’t have a “donate” button? The best contribution is FREE! SHARING this. Help it go VIRAL. I'd rather have that than your money. I also HATE it when a politician is already elected and asks for donations to help "fight for" whatever issue. If you're already in office, you're already getting your paychecks, plus whatever else you're doing with special interests and lobbyists to get rich. Just DO YOUR JOB! You don't need more of our money!
We HAVE to get EVERY Nevadan and as
many people as possible everywhere
this information by the General
Election November 3, 2026!
Share this everywhere NOW
regardless of state or party.
Copyright © 2021 J.J. Destin Fixes Congress Campaign, LLC - All Rights Reserved.
Paid for by J.J. Destin.